Friday, March 14, 2014


When I use the term Gynocracy, I am referring to the society that is governed on the principals of ‘for women’ and ‘women only;’ Gynocentrism and Feminism. Feminism is the belief system – the faith, the religion – while Gynocentrism represents the values upheld by that society. Gynocracy then is a type of monarchy where the state of affairs is effectively and unfortunately governed by psychotic or neurotic women who think they are royals – female versions of Henry VIII if you like. And my family has the ‘privilege’ of having this lineage.

My grandmother on my maternal side has never worked a single day in her life. She doesn’t cook, she doesn’t clean and she receives financial support from state welfare as well as from her sons in law, chief of them my father. She is mad, for example when I was 10, she came back from a spiritual experience and was convinced that God had cleansed her body and as evidence, she claimed that her farts don’t stink anymore.


Then there’s my mother who had sacrificed her life in the service of raising and nurturing her family – which everyone acknowledges is infinitely grateful for – but uses this as evidence that she has been victimized her entire life. For your knowledge, this is what is termed as Narcissistically Abused. Needless to say, nobody takes her seriously. Next in the line of succession is my older sister, the classic feminist; entitled, loud, abrasive and melodramatic who mistreats everyone around her including other women and not feeling ashamed or guilty about it. And I fought with all these women and their rationalization hamsters.

I didn’t know it at the time, but these 3 ladies of my family are the archetype of women’s maladaptive behavior. There are variations and degrees but it was endemic and disturbing. Living under the reign of these 3 was a nightmarish experience but I lived, I adapted and I moved on. And I would like to share what I’ve learned, in particular my mother’s Hamster.

How Mother’s Hamster Fell
I waged a near two decade crusade against my mother’s Hamster. I was the first and for a long time the only one in my family to stand up to her bullshit. I argued with her and often I would lose; she would shut me down by shaming me, “You think you’re so clever don’t you? You’re just a little boy!” This was effective for 2 reasons; one, I was just 13 so technically she’s right; second, I was her son and in Asia we are taught not to disrespect our elders. But I never stopped exposing my mother’s foolishness and it honed my perspective of the female mind. I found ways to retaliate successfully, so when she tried to shame me again another time I answered, “Yeah, well, I might be young and stupid mom, but I know nobody likes you because you’re unbearable.”

I said in calm and matter-of-factly way that really got to her. I didn’t know it at the time because I’ve never seen that look but it was shame that was on her face. She was ashamed of herself. She didn’t change though; it seemed my efforts were futile but I continued my siege campaign against her even when I didn’t see any results. In the beginning, my brother (the other herbivore) and my little sister would often reprimand me, “Why are you arguing with mom? It’s not nice!” they snapped. “No, that shit she is saying is not nice and it’s wrong. Someone has to set her straight,” I answered. My two siblings were baffled at my stance and it was during these times I often wondered if it was worth it. But it was; my quarrels with my mother revealed the Hamster lurking inside her mind for my siblings to witness and they saw her for what she was. Now keep in mind that in Asia we don’t have a term for the Hamster. In fact, I just called it ‘the crazy,’ which in retrospect was exactly right. 

They began to recognize it in her and in other women like her such as my older sister. Perhaps indirectly due to this, my brother was spared as he watched his Blue Pill friends marry into the system and turned haggard. And after constantly witnessing my mother’s immaturity, my little sister shaped herself to be a true self-reliant person and not just another parasite. I take solace in the knowledge that perhaps, my war helped my younger siblings with their lives. However I can’t take credit for defeating my mother’s Hamster. No, that honor would have to go to them. After a teenage eternity, my siblings began reprimanding mom too. By then she had become receptive to criticism and was listening to the both of them without resistance. Still, mom and dad were on the brink of divorce, nudged and encouraged by my older sister but my little sister was hopeful that our parents would stay happily together again. I gotta admit, hearing her say that really got to me.

And so we kept at it and mom gradually changed, until finally 2 years ago, she finally relented. She made up with dad, acknowledged her faults (though she never admitted it out loud), really worked on her behavior, was nicer to everyone and she dialed down her crazy by 80%. Oh the Hamster lives; I don’t think it can ever die. Still, my siblings did it; they downed the Hamster. And my dad was and still is grateful; I think he realizes that his kids (the good ones anyway) were fighting for his sake too. 2 years on and they’re doing alright; mom has been consistently behaving well and is happy.

And that is how my mother’s hamster fell.

Actually, it was a lot more complicated then how I described; I just gave you the MTV version. And even though I don’t favor traditionalism, I realized back then that it wasn’t about going my own way; it was about mom, dad and their happiness. Their generation is passing so if they should enjoy what peace and happiness they have left. As for me, I thought my war was over but then I took the Red Pill 3 months ago and I realized that war was being waged across the globe and I need to help the cause. It’s not just me going my own way; it’s about men going their own way.

Looking back, it’s arduous fighting against an established regime with complex defenses and mechanisms especially when you had to fight it from scratch but I believe that if my experiences can teach other men to fight their battles and win their wars, we can bring down the Gynocracy starting with the Hamster; like how my siblings and I did.

With this, I also want to share my study on the female mind from my unending crusade against the Gynocracy and the ‘crazy.’ I hope you find it useful.

The Female Psychosis part 1: Egocentrism
The Female Psychosis part 2: Narcissism
The Female Psychosis part 3: Solipsism
The Female Psychosis part 4: The Rationalization Hamster

I really do thank you guys for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I can relate too. I also have 3 siblings and an older sister who Is mentally retarded with her femininity my mom and dad been went separate ways but my mom still isn't receptive to criticism. Time will tell. @redpilltruthbombs
