Sunday, April 13, 2014

Male Sovereignty: Introduction

Male Sovereignty
written for Going Your Own Way forum

As Jagrmeister (2014) described, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW) is about awareness – the awareness that something is wrong with women today. He went further to say that men could live a fulfilling life without meeting society’s expectations, by defining our own self-worth, and pursuing our passions and goals fully without female interruption.

I then added that it goes a bit further; it’s about making informed life decisions. To have a fulfilling life, pursuing your passions as well as defining your own self-worth, you need inform yourself of what it is it all means to you. Hence, why I stated to the effect of;

Men don’t give a fuck about what other people think as long as he enjoys what he is doing and strives to be the best at what he does.

And this is basically our credo as men going our own ways; unfortunately, this credo is much too broad and doesn’t really inform you of anything other than “just do what you wanna do.” It’s like saying;

You can be whatever you want to be if you try hard enough

Well, yeah, that’s true I guess but the question then becomes, “what is it do I want to do and who is it do I want to be?” And these are important questions to ask yourself regardless of age.

In our war against Feminism, Gynocentrism and the Gynocracy, we need to be careful that we do not fall into the same fate as the women did and turn into monsters ourselves (this is probable, fellas). We do not want to be the next Feminist movement 50 years from now.

To me, I see MGTOW as akin to what the Founding Fathers of the United States are; they fought for their independence and liberty, they forged and signed the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution of the United States. And as such, they defined what would become one of the greatest nations over 400 years later but it all started with people like you and me envisioning what they wanted their lives and their children’s lives to be and then striving to achieve it.

Now I’m not foolish enough to attempt to write something as silly as the Constitution of MGTOW. But we do need to at least have a clear and informed idea of where we want to end up 50 years down the line, so that we can work towards that goal with a clear conscience that it is genuinely and universally good and that we don’t stray from the path whilst getting there.

The fall of the Gynocracy is definitely one of the goals but we need to think about what happens after that. Assume for a moment that there is no more Gynocracy; men and women are relatively well-behaved with one another, misandry and misogyny is low, gynocentrism and androcentrism is isolated, economic as well as other forms of slavery is no more.

In this type of environment where men no longer places his value and his worth on the expectations of women, of popularity and of material wealth, what measurement does the man use to gauge his own worth? What kind of standard is acceptable as a means for a man to aspire to? This article attempts to provide suggestions on the direction that we as Men Going Our Own Way can use to better define ourselves in the pursuit of our endeavors and hopefully give food for thought on how we can progress as a society of men.

I tackled this difficult topic by posing a few simple questions and then try to answer them as best as I know how. In my efforts, I explore and discuss 3 broad topics that is important in discovering what it is to be a man;

1.       Female Influences – What we don’t want to do and who we don’t want to be
a.       White Knight
b.      Mangina
c.       Women and the Fall of Civilizations
2.       Male Influences – What we can do and who we can be
a.       Isaac Newton
b.      Johann Sebastian Bach
c.       Miyamoto Musashi
d.      Zheng He
e.      Fraternal Organizations
3.       Male Sovereignty – what we do and want to do, who we are and want to be.
a.       Discoverers and Explorers
b.      Wake Up, Wise Up, Opt Out and Go Your Own Way

Male Sovereignty: What Not To Do and Who Not To Be

Female Influences - What Not To do and Who Not To Be
written for Going Your Own Way forum

Adam and Eve c. 1550 - Jacopo Tintoretto 

To get the right answer, we need to begin by asking the right question. And the right question seems to be, “what do I want do and what do I want to be.” This question is basically addressing self-worth and self-identity; two crucial feature of any man. But again, these questions are too broad and so we have to focus it. Hence a good follow-up question would be “what do I not want to do and what do I not want to be,” and these two new questions are much easier to answer;

We don’t want to serve women’s desires and we don’t want to be slaves that serve women’s desires.

Lycurgus (2014) offered us a great history lesson when he posted the reason behind the decline of Sparta.

…the men of Sparta were always obedient to their wives, and allowed them to meddle in public affairs more than they themselves were allowed to meddle in domestic concerns. Now, at this time the greater part of the wealth of Sparta was in the hands of the women, and this made the work of Agis a grievous and difficult one. For the women were opposed to it, not only because they would be stripped of the luxury which, in the general lack of higher culture, made their lives seem happy, but also because they saw that the honour and influence which they enjoyed in consequence of their wealth would be cut off…”

Plutarch, Life of Agis (245-241 BC)Parallel Lives

According to Plutarch, Agis wanted to reform Sparta to its glory days but he had a major obstacle; women. The women opposed the reforms because it would mean that they would lose their political influence and wealth; the women wanted to remain dissolute. In the end, Agis was put to death by the Ephors of Sparta in a time when a man his age would be granted an easy pardon, just because he wanted to make Sparta great again (Dryden, 2009).

We can now clearly see that even before Jesus was born, women’s behavior was appalling and their very behavior was one of the reasons that Sparta declined. But the men of Sparta were also accountable because they were blindly subservient to their wives and we can see parallels in our society today when we look at traditionalists, gender traitors and the female psychosis or as we know them; White Knights, Mangina and Feminists. 

By examining these 3, my aim is to prove that their way of life is the very reason why our society is ailing on a worldwide scale and that we need to abandon it if we are to survive not only as a society but as a civilization. 

Dryden, J (2009) Agis by Plutarch. [online] 2009 available at Internet Classic Archives [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Male Sovereignty part 1: What Not To do and Who Not To Be - White Knight

Female Influences - White Knights
written for Going Your Own Way forum

Let us first examine and define what White Knights or Traditionalists are. According to The Society of Phineas (2012), white knights are men who view themselves as chivalrous heroes saving damsels in distress. Edmund Burke wrote this regarding Chivalry

I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone. Never, never more shall we behold that generous loyalty to sex and rank, that proud submission that dignified obedience.”

Proud Submission and Dignified Obedience.

To whom do men owe this proud submission and dignified obedience to? In medieval times, you owe this to god, country and women but by the Victorian era, Chivalry became synonymous with everyday gentlemanly behaviour (Gosden, 2011) Chivalry today, is proudly submitting yourself and giving your dignified obedience to women, all women, just because they are women. Unfortunately, Chivalry is not dead; no thanks by and large to the Chivalrous tenet of Courtly Love, which is a medieval European term to describe a lover idealizing his beloved lady and spoke to her or about her in the exalted language usually reserved for a deity (Moore, 1979: 622).

Nobel Prize Winner Gaston Paris described that in Courtly Love, the woman is elevated, haughty, and even disdainful. The man must earn his lady’s affection by undergoing many tests of his prowess, valour and devotion. Courtly Love is the white knight’s idolization of his lady and he willingly sacrifices his time, resources and effort in order to win her affections. Feminists often yap that chivalry implies that women are weak but in reality, the Traditionalists’ code of chivalry gives women immense power by elevating her to idol status. Because of Chivalry, the woman is always seen as never in the wrong, never to be punished, never accountable for her misdeed, worthy of worship and be paid tribute in cash, cars, house and whatever else pleases her.

Chivalry is proudly submitting yourself in servitude to women whom you regard as heavenly and treat with dignified obedience.

How is this behavior bad? Well, let us flip the gender and then view this in a very modern context. If women gave proud submission and dignified obedience to a man, sees herself as inferior to this man while he is elevated, haughty, disdainful, and then she tries to earn this man’s affection by undergoing many tests of her prowess, devotion and valor; what do we call this?

We call it the Manson Family.

Charles Manson and his followers – called the ‘Family’ – which included a small hard-core unit of impressionable young girls, became infamous serial killers in the late 1960s. Manson gathered a group of his most loyal Family followers to carry out a spree of murders in Hollywood including seven months pregnant actress Sharon Tate as well as Leno and Rosemary LaBianca (Bio, 2014).

Some might say that comparing a normal person’s family life to Charles Manson’s is a stretch but that is not the point. The point is that the White Knights and Traditionalists display the same varying degrees of devotion to their women – be it family members or lovers – as the Manson girls do to their man. Some will then say that what Charles Manson did was manipulating his followers. I respond by saying that Traditional Values are no different because it manipulates us into adhering to tradition even when it harms the individual man.

This is because just like Psychological Manipulation, Traditional Values such as Chivalry are social influences that are used to alter the perception of others through underhanded, deceptive and abusive tactics such as shaming and guilt language. The traditional values purported by society are no different from the methods that cult leaders used to brainwash their supporters.

Both White Knights and the Manson Family displayed the same Proud Submission and Dignified Obedience to the person that they gave their Courtly Love to.

Harvard Professor Robert Jay Lifton stated that there are 3 characteristics of a cult.

antidestenimovement (2012)

·         The person becomes worshipped rather than the principles – the man loves his wife, mother, whoever and slaves himself all day to earn her/their love.
·         Systematic indoctrination with a great focus on confession and self-criticism – shaming and guilt rhetoric as well as societal expectations like ‘man up’ to control men.
·         Heavy exploitation from above and that exploitation tend to be economic and sexual – government taking the role of fathers, forced fatherhood, paternity fraud, alimony, and child support as well as rape hysteria and sexual objectification.

Don’t believe me?

JeremyMarriedGuy (2009)

An argument can be made however, that manipulation and social influence are not all negative and in fact it can be used for good. Doctor Leon F. Seltzer (2013) stated that this contrivance if not intended for personal gain and is strategically designed to turn antagonism and resistance into cooperation and resolution, can be a good thing where the motive is not to bend others to your will but to bypass stubbornness and illogical defenses.

Seltzer gave an example of giving an “inspired fabrication” to motivate a colleague from work to seek therapy to help him deal with his problems that is affecting his working life before he is made redundant. Despite the obvious unethical connotation, Seltzer has a point and that is if it works and if it saves lives, then why not. However, Traditional Values is not positive manipulation because traditions and values are not for the benefit of the man, but for the benefit of women and society.

Traditional Values such as Chivalry is the Exploitation of men and we as Men Going Their Own Way recognize this exploitation and refuse to participate in it. BeijaFlor (2014) commented

I think that, more than anything, the "redpill" perspective, the "redpill" understanding, reveals to us that we never had "what we've lost." It's all about seeing through the illusion ... It's a perspective where you see, unmistakably, that you can spend your time, resources, and life "being a dick, chasing cunts" or "being Your Own Man, pursuing Your Own Dreams."

As Men Going Their Own Way, we encourage rational and critical thought and learning. We do not simply and blindly adhere to social norms simply because it is tradition. Our actions must be justified with reason and evidence for the betterment of the self and those who share our way of life. If we see a wrong, we speak out and oppose that wrong even in the face of overwhelming public opinion, for we are right in what we say and we have evidence to support it.

antidestenimovement (2012) 3 Cult Characteristics. [online video] Sep 6, 2012 available at Youtube [accessed Mar 22, 2014]

Bio (2014). Charles Manson [online] available at The Biography Channel [accessed 08:32, Mar 22, 2014]

Gosden, E (2011) Chivalry explained: from knights honor to women’s lib. [online] Jun 15, 2011 available at The Telegraph [Mar 20, 2014]

JeremyMarriedGuy (2009) Mark Driscoll Screaming How Dare You. [online video] Apr 8, 2009 available at Youtube [accessed Mar 22, 2014]

Moore, JC (1979) Courtly Love: A Problem of Terminology. Journal of Historical ideas, vol 40, no. 4, John Hopkins University Press pp. 621-632

The Society of Phineas (2012) Defining White Knights and Mangina. [online] Dec 1, 2012 available at The Society of Phineas [accessed Mar 20, 2014]

Friday, April 11, 2014

Male Sovereignty part 1: What Not To Do and Who Not To Be - Mangina

Female Influences: Mangina
written for Going Your Own Way forum

Fidelbogen (2012) described Mangina as a Male Traitor, someone who betrays men or general maleness due to self-loathing and servility towards women. I illustrated this by claiming that Mangina are the Evil Queen’s Henchmen and that is exactly what they are; faithful followers or political supporters.

The Mangina is the minion, subordinate and sidekick of women.

This treason towards maleness manifests itself through misandry towards his fellow man and seeking the validation of women. He has completely resigned his self-will, self-determination and self-respect as he arranges himself to be dominated by females in a master and slave relationship (The Society of Phineas 2012). This is the main difference between Mangina and White Knight. The Mangina wants to be part of the sisterhood either physically or ideologically by whichever way he can even though it is apparent that he cannot. He complies anyway like the Henchman he is even if he knows the Queen sees him only as a tool.

And just like a follower, the Mangina blindly adheres to the beliefs and principles upheld by women i.e. they believe in the idea that women are better than them. Hence, the Mangina is typically a male feminist.  Alfred Jeanroy aptly described this as “the attitude of the devotee in ecstasy before the Madonna” (Moore, 1979: 623).  So, if the White Knight is Chivalrous, then the Mangina is Zealous.

What the Mangina has is a fanaticism for the idea of female superiority and female supremacy.

Here is an example of a Mangina;

Karen Straughan (2012)

In Vancouver 2012 JohntheOther had express permission to put up posters in a construction site (Aslam, S 2012). John went to put up the posters again and was confronted by some individuals who tore the posters down. Among the things that these individuals said was that John interfering with them tearing down his posters is violating their Free Speech while censorship is not violating Free Speech as well as accusing John – a man – of using emotional argument as sexism.

In Straughan’s own words, “we are dealing with people who are completely – completely - irrational and fucked in the head.” The mindset of a Mangina is not quite the same like a White Knight. The level of indoctrination a Mangina has is akin to the Medieval Inquisition in their quest to curb and penalize heresy or beliefs or theories that are strongly differ with the established beliefs or customs. The 1578 edition of Directorium Inquisitorum, the handbook for inquisitors stated the purpose of administering inquisitorial punishments

… for punishment does not take place primarily and per se for the correction and good of the person punished but for the public good in order that others may be terrified and weaned away from the evils they would commit.”

While seemingly good, the means that the Inquisition used to justify the end is ethically and morally questionable. This resulted in intolerance for whatever that could not be attributed to the faith, hence the people saw heresy and heretics everywhere. This is the reason why the Church has always had a tenuous relationship with Science – and sometimes art as well - because science explores and discovers evidences that oppose the long-standing and incorrect doctrine upheld by the Church.

Galileo Galilei was confined to house-arrest for the remainder of his life by the Roman Inquisition in 1633 when he published his seminal works on Heliocentrism, that the earth was not in fact the center of the universe as alleged by the Church. Michelangelo works were too viewed with the suspicion of heresy (Stokes, 1955: 39). This intolerance is what led to St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre in 1572, with Roman Catholic mob violence against the Protestant Huguenots during the French War of Religions.

In our context, the Mangina combats the formal denial or doubt of the female doctrine also known as Feminism. And this sums up the mentality of the Mangina as the staunch henchmen of women; the end goal is to make society accept and adhere to women’s ideals regardless of means, regardless of right or wrong.  And when they see an act of defiance against women, they quickly gather their members and dispense their punishment, even if the very people who oppose them are women.

Humanity Bites (2014)

Erin Pizzey, a researcher on Domestic Violence against men and women was forced into exile from her home in Britain when she and her family received threats of death from Feminists when she revealed the pervasiveness of domestic violence by women.

Where else can we see other examples of mob violence and ‘zealous much’? Between November 23rd to 25th of 2013, 7,000 lesbians, feminists and pro-abortionists assaulted 1,500 persons who protected the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista (Donnelly, 2013).

Steve Jalsevac (2013)

Okay, those are women but what about examples of Mangina Mentality? Here is Nicola Foti

soundlyawake (2012)

Now please don’t go raving on his channel; this man has a right to his opinion. What I want to do is to highlight the indoctrination that this man has suffered from Feminism. I mean really, his whole video is basically a response to being insulted by getting called a girl. Firstly, all men get insulted; if you are not a girl, you are stupid, you are lame, a simp, a hipster, a fucktard and etcetera. Secondly, why does Nick take so much offense at being called a girl unless he himself believes that being a girl is not good? My point is, getting insults and taunts is not an exclusively a gay problem; all men get insulted for different things and as men we learned to take it in stride.

Nick then talked about women being inferior to men because boys cannot be ballet dancers, girls cannot be firefighters, and that pink is not a manly color and transgender people are discriminated. Really, these are problems of culture and traditionalism and not strictly gender roles but poor Nick has conflated Gay Rights with Women’s Rights when his entire video has nothing to do with Women’s Rights or Feminism. This is the ideological battle we are up against, but how did our boys ended up this way?

Academics from University of Georgia and Colombia published a study which shows ‘gender disparities in teaching grade start early and uniformly favor girls’ and ‘even report evidence of a grade bonus for boys with test scores and behavior like their girl counterparts’ (Weeks 2013). From the data analyzed in 5,800 elementary school students, it has been found that girls only truly out-perform boys in “non-cognitive approaches to learning” but otherwise, boys do better than girls in mathematics, reading and science examinations.

Our sons are being sidelined by the feminized education system and academia which has brought upon us this new Dark Age where critical and rational thinking, cognitive-based learning as well as enlightenment is abhorred and abandoned.

Our member COSTPI (2014), brilliantly illustrated this when he posted his experience,

(Sandra) Harding's article was about men "taking over" science and making nature about men instead of women. One of her examples was the shift from geocentric to heliocentric theory. Apparently the sun represented masculine qualities such as its large mass, "aggressive" characteristics, and the fact that Helios was a masculine god and apparently the earth represented femininity because we think of the earth as beautiful but constantly changing due to climate. To her, the paradigm shift between these two theories, metaphorically represented men trying to be the center while manipulating women to revolve around them. That's not all. This is also coincidentally the same article where she called Newton's Principia a "Rape Manual" without giving a reason or a premise to that conclusion. When questioned about it later she said "Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica is a 'rape manual' because 'science is a male rape of female nature'." As you can imagine, I had difficulty remaining politically correct in the classroom but I will address that later.

I have said it before, women are insane and infantile.

Hence, we men going our own way have taken the stance to defy any further attempts to corrupt our society. We look into learn from the decline of the Rome and Sparta and we see history repeating itself. We fight the feminist occupation of the male spaces and their further debauchery to desecrate our minds; the very thing that advanced society and civilization in the first place. We recognize that adhering to feminist beliefs and principals, means we degrade ourselves from fully functional human doing to a retarded and debased human being. Therefore, we reject the Mangina, and what stand for and we are certain that we are in the right through reasoning and logic.

Aslam, S (2012) Posters in Support of Men’s Rights Ripped Down in Vancouver. [online] Sep 7, 2012 available at News1130 [accessed Apr 2, 2014]

Donnelly, DC (2013) 1500 Catholic heroes form a human shield to protect the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista from 7,000 demoniacs. [online] Dec 2, 2013 available at Protect the Pope [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

Fidelbogen (2012) The Notorious ‘M’ Word Mangina. [online] June 18, 2012 available at The Counter Feminist [accessed Mar 22, 2014]

Humanity Bites (2014)Erin Pizzey on Feminism. [online video] Jan 20, 2014 available at youtube [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

Moore, JC (1979) Courtly Love: A Problem of Terminology. Journal of Historical ideas, vol 40, no. 4, John Hopkins University Press pp. 621-632

Soundlyawake (2012) I’m a Feminist because… [online video] Jun 9, 2012 available at Youtube [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

Steve Jalvesac (2013) Feminists Attack Argentinian Cathedral. [online video] Dec 2, 2013 available at Youtube [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

Straughan, K (2012) The Great Poster Tear-Down Extravaganza. [online video] Sep 10, 2012 available at Youtube [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

The Society of Phineas (2012) Defining White Knights and Mangina. [online] Dec 1, 2012 available at The Society of Phineas [accessed Mar 20, 2014]

Weeks, M (2013) New UGA research helps explain why girls do better in school. [online] Jan 2, 2013 available at UGA Today [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Male Sovereignty part 1: The Fall of Western Civilization

Female Influences: Women and the Fall of Western Civilizations
written for Going Your Own Way forum

Romans and the Decadence of the Empire 1847 - Thomas Couture

We can learn much from women and their influences by looking at the decline of past empires. During the 1st and 4th century CE, the Roman Empire went through a decline marked by the loss of moral and ethical values as well as the rise of the female influence. During these times, women took eagerly to wealth and supports of beauty that they could now possess; cosmetics became a necessity and caustic soap from Gaul were imported to turn grey hair into auburn. Women were free to control their dowries and divorce their husbands or poisoned them (Durant, 1944: 89-90). Price (2013) commented this history in his article When the Romans Tried to save Marriage where he writes, “by the end of the Republic Rome was not all that different from the contemporary US. Men were loath to marry, all manner of licentiousness prevailed, and the fertility rate was abysmally low.”

But Rome was not the only time or place that this has happened; the great philosopher Aristotle wrote in his book Politics regarding Sparta;

…for the lawgiver wishing the whole city to be of strong character displays his intention clearly in relation to the men, but in the case of the women has entirely neglected the matter; for they live dissolutely in respect of every sort of dissoluteness, and luxuriously. So that the inevitable result is that in a state thus constituted wealth is held in honor, especially if it is the case that the people are under the sway of their women

Hence this characteristic existed among the Spartans, and in the time of their empire many things were controlled by the women; yet what difference does it make whether the women rule or the rulers are ruled by the women? The result is the same. And although bravery is of service for none of the regular duties of life, but if at all, in war, even in this respect the Spartans' women were most harmful; and they showed this at the time of the Theban invasion, for they rendered no useful service, as the women do in other states, while they caused more confusion than the enemy…

What we see here are historical accounts that suggest the fall of a civilization come about during the time when women were in power and behaved in a licentious manner. And we see this happening today with women and Feminism.

Women built the Patriarchy, if there was such a thing. How? They rely on men either directly through marriage, or by proxy through the government. The government is their protector and provider, who uphold the traditional values of chivalry and gallantry, encouraged by women. Women built this Patriarchy because it suited for their survival; why not let men face the dangers of the world while women simply sat comfortably and safely in their homes? This parasitical relationship worked wonders until women saw that it restricted them from their pleasures.

We see this in ancient Rome where Roman women successfully repealed the Oppian Law. The law prohibits women from buying luxury items such as jewellery and expensive clothes hence the women poured into the forum and convinced their male relatives to vote in favour of the repeal. Marcus Porcius Cato laments at the behaviour of women (Bryan, 1906);

We, it seems, suffer them, now, to interfere in the management of State affairs, and to thrust themselves into the forum, into general assemblies, and into assemblies of election: for what are they doing at this moment in your streets and lanes? What, but arguing, some in support of the motion of tribunes; others contending for the repeal of the law?

Will you give the reins to their intractable nature, and then expect that themselves should set bounds to their licentiousness, and without your interference? For they long not for liberty, but for unbounded freedom in every particular. Suffer them once to arrive at an equality with you, and they will from that moment become your superiors.

But, indeed, they only object to any new law being made against them; they mean to deprecate, not justice, but severity. Nay, their wish is that a law which you have admitted, established by your suffrages, and found in the practise and experience of so many years to be beneficial, should now be repealed; and that by abolishing one law you should weaken all the rest.

Roman women, having seen that the Patriarchy no longer suited them, sought to abolish it by using their influence on their men and we see the same thing happening today; it is called Feminism. All the modern laws that were constructed to protect and provide women food, shelter and comfort are now seen as obstacles to their desires and they now seek to abolish it through Feminism. Feminism was not born from Marxism or from lesbians; Feminism is inherent female nature and they continue sway back and forth from Feminism and Patriarchy until civilization declines and falls.

This illustrates the relationship between White Knights, Manginae and the women who use them. Traditionalism that was built by women, instituted as the government to protect and provide for them, is deemed as Patriarchy and oppressive. Feminism which is women’s own perverse nature politicized, permeating with misandry and gynocentrism, that forced accountability and obligation on them, is now deemed as evil and wrong. And the White Knights and the Manginae, who dutifully serve women’s desires and are slaves to women’s desires, too stupid to see that they are enabling women’s licentiousness, are causing society’s great decline once again.

Everything that women did, their influence only served them and it always brought ruin; that is why we do not want to serve women’s desires and we do not want to be slaves to women’s desires.

We see that Traditionalism and White Knighting that is encouraged by women and enforced by the government is what gave rise to the perceived ‘patriarchy’ hence we need to reject and abandon traditional values that confined us in gender roles that made fools and tools of men. And we also see that blindly following and adhering to Feminists beliefs, disseminated via the feminized education system that promote non-cognitive learning, upheld and perpetuated by misandric feminist educators, consequently brought about the decline in critical and rational thinking so crucial to the prosperity and progress of humankind.

We know that Sparta fell not only because Spartan women were depraved but the men were stupid and let their wives run rampant with their debauchery. We also see parallels of this in Rome and in our modern day society, that when men lose their critical and rational thinking and permitted the women to indulge in their decadence, civilization with see a decline and fall. But a greater lesson here is that as Men Going Their Own Way, we do not want to end up like the Feminist Movement i.e. we do not want our hate and anger consume us to the extent that we become misogynist and sexist that will lead to oppression where we become as depraved and as degenerate as women.

We must let go of the hate or we suffer becoming the likes of the Feminist Movement.

We do not hate women; we are angry that they refuse to change and we are most of all disappointed. We are disappointed that women have not evolved into more than just animal with based desires. While men continue to push forward, we are constantly held and pulled back by women who want nothing more than to wallow in their own depravity, and their hate towards us men. We point this out so that others do not follow women’s example; so that we Men Going Their Own Way do not become like them.

We must let go of our hatred and anger, we must cast away that proud submission and dignified obedience, we must return to cognitive-based learning and above all, we must rise from our based instincts and instead, desire and aspire to the critical and rational being that made us so evolved a species, so advanced a civilization that we have ventured outside the planetary atmosphere and touched our closest celestial body. This achievement was not born out of hate but from cautious optimism driven by noble ambition to be much more than what we are now.

We can be those things again. 

Aristotle (n.d.) Politics [online] not dated available at Perseus Online Library,0086,035:2:1269b [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

Bryan, WJ (1906) In Support of Oppian Law: Cato the Censor. The World’s Famous Oration, 1906 [online] available at Bartleby’s [accessed Apr 2, 2014]

Durant, W (1944) Caesar and Christ. The Story of Civilization, vol 3, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1980 pp. 89 - 90

Price, WF (2013) When the Romans tried to save marriage. [online] Feb 24, 2013 available at The Spearhead [accessed Mar 26, 2014]

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Male Sovereignty part 2: What Can I Do and Who Can I Be

Male Influences - What Can I do and Who Can I Be
written for Going Your Own Way forum

Now that we have answered the question “what do we not want to do and who do we not want to be,” we are informed, at least, of the direction that we do not want take. Our next question then becomes;

“What can I do and who can I be?”

This question is not meant as a directive but as a starting point to consider the options that is available to us. It addresses your own interests; what do I like to do, am I good at it, is there anyone who has done it before, what was that person like, can I do what he did, can I be like him, can I do better and can I be better?

These are good questions to ask yourself and I’ll be honest, they are fun questions because now we get to let our imagination fly. History and fiction has a wealth of resources for us to discern and dissect and we just need to look at them with critical and rational thought as well as creativity and open-mindedness.

I have chosen a few figures that I believe is worth considering. I chose these men because of their contribution towards mankind and the awesome legacy that they leave behind to see whether we can learn from their example. I also wanted to examine their personal lives and see if we can discern anything important from them.

And I encourage everyone to look for someone they admire and analyse them. I know Jagrmeister admires Steve Jobs and I think that is a worthy person to consider as well.

Male Influences: Isaac Newton
Portrait of Sir Isaac Newton 1689 – Godfrey Kneller

No one exemplifies MGTOW philosophy more than the esteemed Sir Isaac Newton. Born January 4, 1643 in Woolthorpe, England, Isaac Newton is credited as one of the great minds of the 17th scientific revolution discovering optics, motion and mathematics. His most acclaimed work, Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy or more commonly known as Principia, has been called the single most influential book on physics. Newton was a heretic (Snobelen, 2000) holding views that is does not conform to religious orthodoxy. He wrote textual criticism, most notably An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture published after his death in 1754 which he blames the Roman Church for many abuses in the world as well as committing pious frauds.

Newton had a troubled early life; his father died 3 months before he was born. His mother, Hannah Ayscough remarried a Reverend named Barnabus Smith and abandoned Newton to the care of his maternal grandmother Margery Ayscough. Widowed a second time Hannah attempted to turn her son into a farmer for which Newton hated. Understandably, Newton was psychologically scarred by this; suffering from depression as well as temperamental outbursts (The Newton Project 2014). It has been suggested that he might have suffered from Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia or Asperger’s Syndrome (Benjamin, 2012). Whatever it may be, it was certain that Newton was a difficult man (Pomeroy, 2013).

A more important observation is how the female influence corrupts the son to the point that he carries psychological trauma for the rest of his life. Newton, effectively being abandoned by his mother to the care of his grandmother, grew up not having many friends and unable to connect with people. He was said to be petty and vindictive as well as being paranoid. One wonders if Newton was raised by a father instead of his mother or grandmother, would he have turned out differently? In the following examples I will illustrate different historical figures and how male influences have affected their personal lives.

It only goes to show that Newton, like any other man, was not without his faults but much like Stephen Hawking who suffered from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS); Newton did not let his own mental condition limit him. We look up to Newton for his everlasting legacy on physics as well as his own humanness that he struggled with. In fact, despite him being a difficult person, despite him being unmarried and disinterested in women, despite him having a being abandoned by his mother, he was still able to overcome all of this personal tragedies and become one of the greatest minds in science.

His only passion as he stated, "I do not know what I may appear to the world; but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself now and then in finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me."

Male Influences: Johann Sebastian Bach
Portrait of Johann Sebastian Bach 1746 – E.G. Haussmann
Not Brook but Ocean should be his name.”
Ludwig van Beethoven
Bach is German for Brook

Born on March 21, 1685, Bach is a musical giant; his technical abilities and musical vision is respected throughout Europe during his lifetime. Today, he is widely regarded as among the greatest composers ever. Tim Blanning (2008: 272) claimed that Bach was the greatest master of harmony and counterpoint, calling him the ‘Homer of Music.’ Among his admirers include Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Frederic Chopin, Robert Schumann and Felix Mendelsohn.

Bach’s contribution to music is comparable to William Shakespeare’s contribution to literature and Isaac Newton’s contribution to physics. His music was featured 3 times in the Voyager Golden Record, a phonograph record sent to outer space with the Voyager spacecraft in the 1970s. Biologist and author Lewis Thomas remarked about what he would want to send into outer space, “I would send the complete works of Bach… but that would be boasting” (Gordon, 2000).  

Little personal correspondence has survived to provide a full picture of Bach as a person. Bach was orphaned when he was 10 years old where he was then taken in by his uncle. Bach was raised religiously and he was a devout Lutheran; Raymond Erickson (2014), author of ‘The Worlds of Johann Sebastian Bach’ remarked that Bach saw everything that he did as a composer and musician as an act of prayer. Bach married twice and also loved children, having fathered 20 children but only 9 of them survived him.

It is not correct to assume that religion and traditionalism played a major role in determining the healthy upbringing of Bach or even Newton. Both Bach and Newton believed in God even though Newton held unorthodox beliefs. Both of them held that same sense of spirituality that influenced their works. The main difference here then is their upbringing. Being raised by women, Newton grew up psychologically traumatised and not wanting to share his life with women or anyone while Bach, being raised by men, managed to marry twice and fathered many children.

The contrast between Newton and Bach is telling as it illustrates the importance of father figures in a son’s development as a man. Newton was effectively abandoned by his mother and was raised by women without the presence of a man. He still succeeded in attaining greatness but at a great psychological cost. At the other end of the spectrum, Bach raised by his father and uncle and he succeeded in producing greatness while having a normal life suited to that culture and era.

Male Influences: Miyamoto Musashi
Woodblock print of Miyamoto Musashi c. 1840 – Utagawa Kuniyoshi

Born in 1584, Musashi as he is simply known is a Japanese swordsmen and ronin (masterless samurai) who was famed for his swordsmanship and his many duels even from a young age. He developed and founded the Two-Sword Style of swordsmanship and authored The Book of Five Rings, a book on strategy, tactics and philosophy that is still read today as well as the The Way of Walking Alone which is a guide to self-discipline for future generations.

Even at an early age, Musashi was instilled with two things that would sculpt his path in life. His father Shinmen Munisai - an accomplished samurai - taught Musashi swordsmanship. He then was taken in by his uncle - a monk - at the age of 7 who taught him Buddhism as well as reading and writing. He would later spend many years studying Buddhism and swordsmanship during his warrior’s pilgrimage, developing ideas and philosophy which he would later expound through his book, The Book of Five Rings.

Musashi states that his first duel at the age of 13 where he successfully defeated a samurai named Arima Kihei (Wilson, 2004: 12). At age 21, he travelled to Kyoto where he challenged the prestigious Yoshioka School whose sword-style was one of the 8 major styles in Kyoto and had been the instructors of the Ashikaga Family for 4 generations. Musashi defeated 3 of the Yoshioka family heads and ended that branch of the school.

Perhaps his most famous duel, steeped in myth and legend, was his battle with Sasaki Kojiro who was known then as the ‘Demon from the Western Provinces.’ One version of the account stated that Musashi, around 30 years old, defeated Kojiro in a swift duel, dealing a single blow to the skull using a wooden sword he carved from an oar. It is a widely held belief that Musashi has fought over 60 battles; undefeated.

Musashi never married but adopted sons - Mikinosuke and Iori - both of which became samurai. He began extensively practicing arts at the age of 49 and became an accomplished artist; Musashi made several Zen brush paintings including the Shrike Perched on a Dead Tree as well as sculptures made out of wood. Musashi believed that being a rounded person made a better strategist, stating “There are five ways in which men passed through life; as gentlemen, warriors, farmers, artisans and merchants.”

We can draw interesting comparisons between Musashi, Bach and Newton. Musashi’s mother died shortly after he was born and so like Bach, Musashi was raised by male influence. And like Newton, Musashi did not lead a strictly traditional life; he was a masterless warrior vagabond looking for a fight for the purpose of honing his craft. Like Newton, he never married and was not strictly adhering to Buddhism but like Bach, Musashi raised successful children and used religion as a basis for many of his philosophy and work.

What we can learn here is that the male influence is a positive influence and not at all what is described by Feminists today. We see that with male influences, children will grow to be a more balance and healthy adult compared to female influences which results in the child developing psychological disorder.

Male Influences: Zheng He
Statue of Admiral Zheng He in Borneo

Before there was Christopher Columbus and Vasco de Gama and Ferdinand Magellan, there was Admiral Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty. Born 1371, Zheng He (also pronounced Cheng Ho) is one of the most interesting figures as well as the greatest seafarer in Chinese history (Viviano 2005). He was born a Muslim and helped promoted the faith in China. He was the descendant of Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-Din Omar, a Persian who served the Mongol Empire and was the Governor of Yunnan. Zheng He was castrated when he was 10 years old, made to serve and rose to become a trusted advisor to Zhu Di, the Prince of Yan.

As admiral, Zheng He commanded an unprecedented fleet of 300 ships with 27,800 men that included sailors, doctors, clerks, officers and artisans that visited 37 countries from Vietnam to Africa from 1405 to 1433 (China Daily 2005). He went on 7 voyages, with the intent to display the splendour and strength of the Ming Dynasty, not to conquer or crusade Chinese religions (Vega 2011). The Vice Minister of Communications of the People’s Republic of China Xu Zu-yuan stated, 

"These were friendly diplomatic activities. During the overall course of the seven voyages to the Western Ocean, Zheng He did not occupy a single piece of land, establish any fortress or seize any wealth from other countries. In the commercial and trade activities, he adopted the practice of giving more than he received, and thus he was welcomed and lauded by the people of the various countries along his routes."

As a result, Zheng He introduced numerous elements of Chinese culture throughout South East Asia, South Asia and the east coast of Africa which include Confucian ritual and beliefs, standardized calendars, weights and measurements, agriculture, navigation, construction and medicine that promoted economic and cultural change (China Culture 2005). However, being a eunuch did not make Zhang He submissive; records stated that he “walked like a tiger,” was a tall and imposing figure, had a strong loud voice and never avoided battle. His first voyage in 1405 was to capture and execute pirate Chen Zuyi terrorizing the islands of Indonesia in a battle in which 5,000 died and 10 ships burned. Zheng He was undoubtedly and thoroughly a man despite literally the loss of his balls.

Now let us compare Zheng He with the rest. You would think that being castrated would cause a lasting psychological trauma to a boy but such is not the case when we look at Admiral Zheng He. Indeed I have no doubt that being deprived of your testicles would be traumatic but Zheng He managed to overcome this personal tragedy and grow to be a psychologically fit man. If we compare Zheng He and Newton who also suffered psychological scars, we notice that the difference between the two is the male influence present in their lives. Zheng He was taken in by Zhu Di, the Prince of Yan, who was 11 years older and nurtured Zheng He and rewarded him for his accomplishments. The male influence is crucial to a growing boy’s psychological maturity.

We can also see that with Newton, Musashi and Zheng He held different religious beliefs but they did not blindly adhere to their faiths. Newton heavily criticized the Roman Church but he believed in god and viewed his work as a way of understanding god’s creation. Musashi remarked in The Book of Five Rings, “There are many ways; Confucianism, Buddhism, the ways of elegance, rice-planting or dance; these are not to be found in the way of the warrior,” as well as this in The Way of Walking Alone, “Do not act following customary beliefs.” Zheng he was not a strict Muslim and was open to Confucianism and Buddhism, having served inside the palace where he understood many faiths and became a skilled diplomat to 37 countries.

Newton, Musashi and Zheng He are critical thinking men, able to discern between good and bad, applying the former and rejecting the latter. They did not serve in the interests of women rather they serve their own and that of their fellow men. All four of them – Newton, Bach, Musashi and Zheng He – were passionate in their pursuits and did not let society deter them from it. And while Newton had female influences, Bach, Musashi and Zheng He had male influences and they in turn spread their own male influence – because man is good – to other men. Their influences has an everlasting effect; changing the course of history for the betterment of mankind.

I believe this is the one of the core goals of Men Going Their Own Way and that is to gain good influences from men and to influence good for the betterment of mankind.

But how do we go about influencing good on other men? Not all of us can be Newton, Bach, Musashi or Zheng He after all. Individually we are able to influence small good and this is plenty but there are examples we can learn to influence other men in a monumental way.  

Benjamin, K (2012) 11 Historical Figures and their Possible Mental Disorders. [online] Sep 11, 2012 available at MentalFloss [accessed Mar 27, 2014]

Blanning, TCW (2008) The Triumph of Music: The Rise of Composers, Musicians and Their Art. Harvard University Press, 2008 pp. 272.

China Culture (2005) Envoy of Peace. [online] 2005 available at [accessed Mar 28, 2014]

China Daily (2005) China showcases nautical hero Zheng He’s shipyard in Nanjing. [online] Nov 7, 2005 available at China Daily [accessed Mar 28, 2014]

Erickson, R (2014) Johann Sebastian Bach. [online video] available at The Biography Channel [accessed Mar 27, 2014]

Gordon, D (2000) Great Thinkers Opinion of Johann Sebastian Bach. Carmel Bach Festival, California 2000.

Pomeroy, SR (2013) Isaac Newton: Was He a Jerk Due to Asperger’s? [online] Nov 1, 2013 available at Real Clear Science [accessed Mar 27, 2013]

Snobelen, SD (2000) Isaac Newton, heretic; the strategies of a Nicodemite. The British Journal of History of Science, vol 32, issue 4, 1999 pp. 381-419 Cambridge available at Cambridge Journal [accessed Mar 27, 2014]

The Newton Project (2014) Isaac Newton’s Personal Life. [online] 2014 available at The Newton Project [accessed Mar 27, 2014]

Vega, L (2011) Zheng He: Master Explorer. [online] Apr 6, 2011 available at People’s Daily Online [accessed Mar 28, 2014]

Viviano, F (2005) China’s Great Armada. [online] July 2005 available at National Geographic [accessed Mar 28, 2014]

Wilson, WS (2004) The Lone Samurai: The Life of Miyamoto Musashi. Kodansha, Tokyo 2004 pp. 23-26