Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Male Mother Need

Written by Kyojiro Kagenuma for

As a Herbivore man that took the Red Pill, I dived deep into the Rabbit Hole and discovered many hard but undeniable truths. Some truths are harder to swallow but those are the ones that truly liberate and expand the mind.

This is exactly what happened to the world when Galileo Galilei courageously proclaimed that earth was in fact, not the center of the universe to the Church in 1615. He was persecuted by the Roman Inquisition for his thoughts on heliocentrism but he would later achieve the acclaimed title of being the Father of Modern Science.

The progress we make as thinking men is one where we continually challenge the status quo and discover truths regardless of the overwhelming public opinion. In my humble opinion, there is one truth that is the bitterest pill to swallow but it is the foundation that is needed first and foremost, in order to reject and retaliate against gynocentrism and misandry all at once.

My aim is to give a compelling argument for the need to recognize and address the topic. If it sparks dissent, debate and discussion that would be welcomed and I urge people to speak their mind and provide convincing arguments for their points so that we may all learn and better ourselves. 

Defining the Male Mother Need

I would like to start that this notion is not new; many psychologist have postulated that men often project to their partners the idea of them being the mother-figure in the relationship. I will state here that Male Mother Need is not an Oedipus complex; men do not see their partners as mother-figures. I posit that what men truly seek is not another mother but an ideal woman and depending on how far a man allows this ideal to manifest and fester in his thoughts and psyche, different kinds of perversion may result.

Barbarossaa, in his video “Male Mother Need and Civilizational Draw Stifle Male Individualism” defines Male Mother Need as

"The propensity for men to believe that there exist his own personal angelic, warm and serenic soul mate and is the cause of much male suffering …"

What men really seek is their own personal angelic, warm and serenic soul mate. Someone who understands you; who comforts you warmly after a bad day; who lifts your spirit with soft, gentle smiles and kind words of encouragement; who whispers to you how important you are to her, that her life is better because of you and that she is grateful to have you in her life; who acknowledges the arduous work you do and rewards you and only you with her mind, body and soul.

Yeah, ‘she’ doesn't exist. Herbivore Men simply have an awesome imagination.

All living beings have a biological imperative to reproduce but as humans we have the ability and capacity to reason and rationalize our behavior and our surroundings and it is this unhealthy idealization of women that brought about the misery that has afflicted us today.

Whether this ‘ideal’ is natured or nurtured is irrelevant; most men yearn for a mate that matches his own fantasy and he meanders through his life ever searching for that which only exists in his mind. Like it or not, we are biologically predisposed to seek out a partner who we foolishly convince ourselves could fulfill our individual idealistic notion of comfort and affection.

And until each man confronts this within him, he is in danger of being repeatedly manipulated and deceived by women and the Gynocracy.

Now, I detest ruminating in psychology because much of it is susceptible to anecdotal bias and selfish agendas that are frequently presented as facts using observational studies instead of actual evidence from clinical studies. However, it would be remiss of me to not at least present a thoughtful argument on how Male Mother Need develops and perverted.

The Curious Case of Bernard Boursicot

Bernard Boursicot is a French Diplomat who in 1964 engaged in a 18 year long romantic and sexual relationship with a Chinese Peking Opera singer named Shi Pei Pu. In 1965, Shi Pei Pu later claimed to be pregnant and even produced a baby boy named Shi Du Du which Boursicot believed to be his son. In those 18 years, Boursicot passed at least 150 classified documents to Shi until both of them were finally caught by the French government and were charged with espionage in 1983 (Wadler, J 1993). 

What is so fascinating about this story is that Shi Pei Pu was in fact, absolutely a man.  

And in fact Boursicot first met Shi Pei Pu as a man but Shi regaled him with the story of the butterfly,
Then, one evening, Shi told his new friend about The Story of the Butterfly, the opera in which he claimed to have performed one of his most famous roles. It concerns a beautiful girl who is unable to attend one of the imperial schools because of her sex; so she swaps clothes with her brother, and goes to school in his place. Shi then claimed that he had in fact been born a girl, but his mother had passed him off as a boy because her husband had only two daughters and wished for a son; he had lived a masculine life ever since.

Shi fed Boursicot the lie but Boursicot ate that lie wanting to believe it. The boy Shi Du Du was bought from a doctor in Xinjiang province of China. So engrossed was Boursicot in his fantasy that when the French government confronted him with the evidence of Shi Pei Pu’s manhood, he attempted suicide. The story became a sensation in France not least because Boursicot had frequent sexual encounters with Shi across 18 years believing that Shi was a woman.

Boursicot was perhaps naïve, having been a virgin when he met Shi Pei Pu but he was a French Diplomat hence he was neither insane nor stupid. Boursicot exemplifies the extent a man allows himself to be subjected to his own fantasy, to justify and rationalize his belief that in his world his ideal woman exist which in the end only brought him humiliation and ruin. 

Boursicot allowed his Male Mother Need consume him. 

The Pussy Pass

In a more relevant example, we can see the manifestation of this Male Mother Need particularly in two groups of men that are of interest to us; White Knights and Manginae. Both these men are in fact, slaves to their Male Mother Need and project that need onto the various women they hold dear.

The White Knight, armed with his code of chivalry and gallantry, rides to the rescue of his Fair Maidens whom he sees as pure, wholesome, sinless and righteous. (The Society of Phineas, 2012). White Knights are defenders of women's honour. The Mangina is the wretched servant of the Evil Queen, so enthralled by her beauty and power that he ignores her wickedness and agrees with her every decree. Manginae are collaborators who intellectually support Feminism (Fidelbogen, 2012).

The White Knight's ideal woman is the Maiden while Mangina's ideal woman is the Queen, regardless whether either or both of them are fair or evil. I would even go so far to say that every man on the Blue Pill has a Male Mother Need that is embedded deep within them wanting to believe their own women – their mothers, sisters, friends and lovers – are the personification of classic Disney Princesses whilst ignoring that they may be or are in fact, Wicked Witches and Evil Stepmothers.

It is because of the Male Mother Need that such men can accept simplistic and naïve excuses such as ‘Not All Women Are Like That’ and ‘That’s Just the Way Women are.’ And women have played men based on this need. Claiming the ever helpless victim, they thrived on the White Knight’s chivalry and the Mangina’s sympathy to rally to their side even when obvious wrongs are perpetrated; a phenomenon known as the Pussy Pass or the dismissive attitude towards female dysfunction (Bar Bar, 2011).

The Male Mother Need in these men actually encourages the hypoagency of the Fair Maiden and rewards the solipsism of the Evil Queen. How else do we explain the double standard that when a 27 year old man has sex with a 14 year old girl, he is a rapist and receives 11 years imprisonment but when Debra Lafave, a 27 year old woman has sex with a 14 year old boy, she is merely labelled a sex offender and the prosecution dismissed all charges against her (Goldberg, S 2006).  

How do we explain Rape Shield Laws that protect the false-rape accuser who convicts men based solely on her testimony such as the case of Crystal Mangum and the Dukes Lacrosse Team in 2006? How do we explain the continuing demonization of the falsely accused by members of the public when their innocence had been proven? (Applebome, P 2007) Why no one thought that perhaps Crystal Mangum was a liar who would later went on to murder her boyfriend? (Goldstein, S 2013).

Green Grass

“Attachment is in many ways comparable to addiction, a compulsive dependency on external objects or experiences to manufacture an illusion of wholeness. Unfortunately, like other addictions, attachment becomes more intense over time.”
Mingyur Rinpoche

For the Herbivore Men, they recognize that the attachment to the ideal women fantasy brought on by man’s inherent Male Mother Need is an addiction. They have seen vagina worshippers and pussy beggars who are no better than addicts, appeasing women for the uncertain and meagre reward of sex to their own self-detriment that may result in work-related deaths and responsibility-driven suicides.

By being aware and mindful of this inherent need as an apparent addiction, Herbivore Men go through a process of gradual cessation by severing the connection between his happiness and his carnal pleasures. I think it is worth nothing that this is neither a spiritual nor a religious process but rather a strict mental exercise that requires discipline and logic.

The effect of this cessation, when the need for sex is removed, is that Herbivore Men can truly evaluate the actual value of women base on their intellect, character and behavior without being clouded by chivalry, sympathy or fornication. As women's distasteful attributes become more apparent through fresh insight, it further affirms the Herbivore Man’s resolve to nullify his Male Mother Need and motivates him to reject women and their malfunction. 

Women then would ceased to have control over the Herbivore Man. 

Red Pills

Women have picked up on the fact that men will accept any form of dysfunctional courtship from women and that has created an environment where females have completely removed the possibility of female perversion from the general consensus.”

The MGTOWs perspective is to continually disclose women’s malfunction and to denigrate them for their perversion. MGTOW presents to the public that women are capable of and are acting out terrible deeds. The goal is to prove to the rest of men that the idea of the warm, angelic and serenic soul mate is a fiction and an affliction. As further evidence of women’s malfunction and dysfunction surfaces and given the spotlight, it will encourage more men to break free from their own Male Mother Need.

News such as the one In Texas, where 25 year old Melinda Lynn Muniz was arrested for killing her fiancée’s 2 year old daughter (Kemp, J 2014). Emma Wilson of England who was unanimously found guilty of murdering her 11 month old son (BBC, 2014). Julie Corey of Massachusetts was found guilty of first degree murder for strangling and beating her pregnant friend to death, cutting the baby out of the womb and claiming it as her own (Nye, J 2014).

With stories like the above, the public will see the true nature of females and men will wake up and wise up to all their ugliness. These examples of female dysfunction need to be made known and widespread to help other men shatter the ideal women fantasy.

No longer will women get by from a Pussy Pass.


Gentlemen, the source of gynocentrism and misandry among men is the Male Mother Need. We need to address it if we hope to bring about the downfall of Feminism and the Gynocracy. By learning to detach ourselves from our own Male Mother Need we are then able to expeditiously identify female dysfunctional behavior while retaining our wits. By keeping abreast of current news and affairs and then continually and vocally exposing women’s malfunction we can condemn and penalize their perverse behavior as well as combating the armies of Gynocracy from their excuses and deflections.


Applebome, P 2007,  After Duke Prosecution..., The New York Times, April 15 2007 
Bar Bar, 2011,  Dismissive Male Attitude Towards Female DysfunctionYoutube, August 11, 2011
Bar Bar, 2012, Male Mother Need and Civilizational Draw... – Youtube Jan 12, 2012 
BBC, 2014, Callum Wilson Murder: Mother Emma Wilson Jailed For Life,  BBC Jan 24, 2014
Fidelbogen, 2012, The Notorious ‘M’ Word; Mangina! – Counter-Feminist, June 18, 2012
Goldberg, S 2006, Too Pretty For Prison, The Guardian, March 24, 2006 
Goldstein, S 2013, Crystal Mangum…, New York Daily News, Nov 22, 2013
Kemp, J 2014, Texas woman killed fiancee’s toddler...,  The New York Daily News, Jan 29 2014
Nye, J 2014, Woman WhoKilled Her Pregnant Friend…, The Daily Mail Feb 13, 2014 
The Society of Phineas, 2012, Defining White Knights and Manginas,  Dec 1, 2012
The Telegraph, 2009, Shi Pei Pu - The Telegraph Jul 3, 2009
Wadler, J 1993, The True Story of M. Butterfly..., The New York Times, Aug 15, 1993 



    I can see a few little awkward points, but the thought of pointing them out and insisting that you change them ... I feel like it would be unreasonable, like what we in the West call a "Grammar Nazi," what you in Japan might call something like a "language kempeitai."

    Let it stand, as it is.

    1. Thank you for reading :) and lol for nihongo kempeitai.

  2. Boursicot was just an idiot. He reminds me of the story of an Arab diplomat years ago who was engaged to marry a woman wearing a face veil, but some how found out at the last moment that the woman was actually a man.

    Some men take the male mother need to extremes(also known in popular culture as 'manchildren'). These men were in most cases completely spoiled &/or taken care of domestically by their own mothers from infancy to adulthood, & thus they expect their wives after marriage to clean their clothes & filthy underwear, clean the clutter they leave all around the house etc.
    I am not sure if one of our Pakistani neighbours fell into this category. He was so used to being taken care of by his wife & took it for granted(as many of these children do). His wife committed the mistake of falling sick one day & he decided to make tea for himself, entering the kitchen to cook for the first time in years He mistook flour for sugar & added it to his tea(imagine being so brainless & sensory-deprived that you think flour is sugar).

    Such manchildren are no different from the large numbers of women & young girls who genuinely & earnestly believe that they deserve a husband-father substitute who will support them financially for nothing of any sort in return, just like how their fathers provided for them as unmarried women.
